Our Chimney



Chimneys - We Do It All

We have been sweeping, inspecting, repairing, and restoring chimneys and fireplaces for over 15 years. 

Chimney sweeps (cleanings) start at $199 and can be scheduled here!



An old chimney that has never been maintained can start to leak smoke, fall apart, become an eyesore, and violate chimney code. Watertite Chimney Services can restore your fireplace and chimney to look and operate like new!


Second Opinions

Were you quoted for some work that just didn't seem right? Call us for a second opinion. You will find our ethics, experience, and price second to none! 


From wood to gas fixtures or chimney caps to entire masonry rebuilds, we do it all! We are the chimney experts to tackle your installation.



If you are in a new home, and you are not sure what shape your chimney is in, or even how to safely run your fireplace, or maybe you are seeing some warning signs or things that aren't right - call us for an inspection. We provide a thorough inspection complete with pictures, quotes, and can answer any questions you have about your chimney  

Inspections start at $199. Schedule yours today to ensure your chimney is operating at 100%.



Fireplace not looking so hot? Need some nice, new logs? Give us a call! 





See what our customers say about our services